Today our lifestyles mean that most of the time we are exposed to digital screens which emit a large amount of blue light.
But what is blue light?
In general, light is made up of electromagnetic particles that travel in the form of waves. Blue light is composed of very small wavelengths, thus emitting a large amount of energy. It is this more concentrated energy that can affect our visual system.
Blue light is everywhere, not only in digital devices or LED light, we also find it in the sun's rays.
Being exposed to this blue light on a regular basis can cause visual fatigue, dry eyes, headaches and even eventually affect different ocular structures, especially the lens and retina. Also, if an electronic device is used before bed, it can affect sleep cycles.
For all this, it is necessary to protect yourself with lenses that contain a specific filter for this type of light, without forgetting that there are currently contact lenses that also have it.
At Archy Welfare we prescribe lenses according to your visual needs.