

by ANGEL BALLESTEROS on Sep 15, 2020


A colorblind person has difficulties distinguishing colors or discriminating the shades that differentiate red from green as well as from blue, although the latter to a lesser extent.

The photoreceptors that we have in the retina are called cones and rods. The cones are responsible for color vision, so when they are damaged or absent, there is a change in color perception.

This type of vision abnormality has a high genetic factor, but it may be due to other causes such as glaucoma, AMD, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cataracts or even trauma or taking certain medications.

Color blindness is a cause that affects around 8% of men compared to 0.4% in the case of women.

Most color blind people lead a normal life, even if this cause is detected late without it being a problem in their day to day. In other cases, it is detected at an early age when colors are taught or played at school. These people cannot access certain jobs, such as air traffic controllers, aviation pilots, police force, etc.

It is an irreversible condition, before this we can improve the perception of colors with some filters in the lenses of the glasses or by using contact lenses with said filters.



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