When we wear a graduation that is outdated and is not the one that currently corresponds to us, symptoms appear in the visual system and in the front part of the head.
They are symptoms that warn us that something is not working correctly.
The visual system that coexists with a refractive defect, that is, some type of anomaly in it and it is not corrected or we have an outdated graduation, it will never be possible to see it clearly and the visual system will be forcing itself to be able to compensate for that defect, badly corrected or not. compensated.
Therefore, we will tend to suffer some of these common symptoms such as the following:
Blurred or uneven vision between both eyes
Headache especially at the frontal level and at the temple
Heaviness at the end of the day
Eye redness and fatigue
- Dry Eye
- And/or even slight dizziness.
All this produces discomfort on a daily basis and a feeling of poor visibility.
That is why it is important to carry out a visual examination once a year, to keep track of the development of the graduation and assess what are the changes in it or, on the contrary, assess its stability.
We can also alleviate the symptoms in addition to being well corrected, with a special filter in the glasses that protects us from digital screens.
We can add good ambient lighting, if the light is natural there will be more clarity and less fatigue and visual fatigue.
Taking small breaks of 2 to 5 minutes looking at the horizon every hour will help us relax our vision and thus we will not focus so closely for so long in a row.
Use artificial tears to keep the eyes hydrated and thus treat or alleviate the sensation of dry eyes.
By following these guidelines we will maintain good vision and a healthy ocular system by avoiding all the symptoms mentioned above.
"The eye that you do not see is not an eye because you see it, it is an eye because it sees you" Antonio Machado